Vending Product Newsletter

Vending Product News (VPN) is designed to stimulate the conversation about product that is sold in a vending machine, micro market, office coffee service or any number of operator-controlled environments. It fills a void of product coverage that exists today.  VPN is brought to you by the team which developed the first e-books and training materials for the vending industry, built the first comprehensive industry resource website ( and created the first targeted vending e-newsletter (Vending Technology News). 

Beginning November 9th, Vending Product News will be distributed electronically on the 9th and 23rd of each month.  Properly qualified industry executives will receive this resource at no charge.  

Vending Product News offers vending executives one simple resource where they can click and find targeted product news to help make a purchasing decision without wading through a warehouse of non-essential information.  Since Vending Product News focuses exclusively on product it will become an invaluable resource for vending operators.  

What makes Vending Product News different than any other vending media, and why should it be the first item opened the day the e-blast is received?  Simple.  It’s the difference between targeted and generalist news. 

Vending Product News delivers targeted news.  Our editors dig into the stories behind the story, giving readers the facts to help them make business decisions. In fact, our editors have a combined background of over a half century of covering vending product.  We know our roots.  

By definition generalist media covers an entire industry, rather than a targeted segment.  Because of space constraints and the need to cover all areas, product simply does not receive the coverage it deserves.   

The only way an operator can make money and turn a profit is by selling product.  That’s where we come in. Product is our sole focus. Vending Product News does not gloss over product.  Product is our middle name.  We deliver product news, and only product news.  

Take a few minutes to read this entire newsletter, including our discussions about energy drinks, coffees and cookies.  We have designed the newsletter to be a quick read, because two weeks from now you are going to get more.   Hopefully this week’s tasteful topics will tempt your desire for more when the next issue of Vending Product News is e-blasted on November 23rd.  

In the meantime, click on the link below to ensure you continue to receive Vending Product News.  Feel free to register others whom you feel will benefit from receiving their own copy of Vending Product News.   

One final note.  We are always interested in stories.  If you have a tip for us, feel free to call us at 800-956-8363 or email us at 

Thank you for your confidence in Vending Product News!

Karen Scott
Vending Product News
A division of
Phone: 800-956-8363


 Also see: New Products | Wholesale Snacks | Healthy SnacksMicro Markets | Vending News | Ebooks | Classified Ads | Routes for sale | Home

Published On: November 7, 2018Categories: UncategorizedTags: ,

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