Are you offering cookies in your micro market or vending machines?

If so, you’re making a smart choice. Thanks to recent data from, we know that cookie sales grew by an astounding 147% during the COVID-19 crisis.

This statistic makes sense because of the simple fact that during trying times, many people will reach for their favorite comfort foods and cookies remain a universal favorite comfort food to many people around the world. 

About Cookie Demand During COVID-19

Now that most states are reopening, we can thankfully look back on COVID-19 and study its effects around the world, especially its effect on the snack food industry. 

One of the interesting things about the data from is that we know in March, cookie sales in the United States increased by roughly 20% This is huge news because cookies have always been a staple of the American diet but, there’s never been that much demand for cookies until now.

Back in the early days of COVID-19, it stands to reason why people were reaching for cookies regularly because, as many restaurants were closing down across the United States vending machines remained open as well as micromarkets and most supermarkets. 

Cookies are often one of the most highly visible products that people will consume when they visit a micro market, vending machine, or supermarket. 

The demand for cookies in the United States has gotten so high that Mondelez International, the maker of Oreo cookies, recently announced that they plan on hiring an additional 1,000 people to keep up with the demand for cookies around the world.  

Besides there being more of a demand for traditional cookie favorites made by Nabisco, Kirkland’s or Pepperidge Farms, most of the top cookie companies in the world have reported that consumers are also expressing interest in healthier cookies too including gluten-free options, and also cookies that are high in protein.

Will the Demand Continue After COVID-19?

After reading this article, you may be thinking that it’s great that the demand for cookies increased during COVID-19 but the big question is will that demand continue once people start going back to work?

The answer to this question is unclear but, the reality is that the demand for cookies, especially healthy cookie brands isn’t going to go away anytime soon.

Most consumers still enjoy cookies and will continue eating them whether they are stuck at home or work so it makes sense for every vending or micro market owner to offer their consumers a wide variety of cookie options ranging from traditional favorites like Oreo to healthy cookies like Emmy’s Lemon Ginger Macaroons or Ona Brownie Cookies. 

Thankfully, COVID-19 lockdowns are quickly coming to an end but since vending has been classified as an: essential business nationwide, we can expect vending machines and micro markets to continue to be in demand and offering cookies to their customers in the months and years to come. 

By Jeremy Raglin, Contributing Editor

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Published On: May 7, 2020Categories: UncategorizedTags: ,

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