WHOLESALE NUT SUPPLIERS FOR VENDING! Nutty Snacks for vending machines and micro markets. Packaged Nut Products, Wholesale Nut and nut snack suppliers; Nuts, cashews, trail mixes suppliers listed below. Please contact them direct concerning their nutty products.
Also see: Trail Mix, Energy bars, Candy, Bulk Candy Products, Healthy Snacks, Wholesale Snacks, Salty Snacks,

Duck Nuts Banner
Company /Website
Wholesale Nut Snack Products Company Description
Contact Info
King Nut provides you with only the highest quality nuts, dried fruits, trail mix and candy snack products. Plase visit our website at www.KingNut.com
Kings Nut brand
Phone: 800-860-5464
Local: 440-248-8484

OHnuts.com offers: Trail Mix, Nuts, Dried Fruits, Candy, Countertop Items and more! You can order online www.OhNuts.com


Phone: 888-664-6887

Star Snacks is a leading manufacturer and distributor of branded and private label nuts, trail mixes and dried fruits. We also produce our own product lines that includes Star Snacks, Imperial Nuts and Platinum. Star Snacks is poised as a single-source solution for custom packed snacks. Visit http://starsnacks.net
Star Snacks
Phone: 201-200-9820
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