Brooklyn Food & Beverage, a manufacturer and distributor of small batch craft snacks and beverages, recently introduced its Brooklyn Crafted herbal teas and tropical lemonades to complement its nonalcoholic Brooklyn Crafted ginger beer. The herbal teas and tropical lemonades expand the company’s beverage portfolio targeted to foodservice and retail locations, including vending machines and micro markets.

The new herbal teas are freshly brewed and portioned to mimic a traditional bowl of Chinese Liang Cha herbal tea and come in 10-ounce bottles and include five flavors: brown sugar ginger, hibiscus flower, hawthorn berry, prunella and 10-herb tea. The suggested retail price is $1.99.

“Herbal teas have been consumed for centuries, but we’re bringing this to the mainstream market by repackaging it and branding it and really just presenting it to the consumer base in a way that is more friendly for people who may not have heard of these ingredients before,” said Marcia Mu, marketing manager.

The tropical lemonade is actually called Calamansi-Ade since it is made from Calamansi, a Filipino citrus. It also comes in five flavors in 10-ounce bottles: original, lite original, mango, pomegranate and ginger.

“It’s a newer lemonade to the market that includes fun, fresh flavors that many (people) may not have had before,” Hu said.

Both the herbal teas and tropical lemonade beverages have about a one year shelf life and can be sold in an ambient state, she said.

The company exhibited the herbal teas and tropical lemonades at this year’s National Restaurant Show in Chicago, and got a great response from a variety of potential customers, including foodservice operators and retailers, Hu said.

The company manufactures the new herbal teas and lemonades at its Brooklyn, New York facility while the more established ginger beers are made by a co-packer.

The ginger beer, launched in 2017, is a carbonated beverage that serves as a refreshment or a cocktail mixer.

“Ginger beers are used most frequently in a mixology setting,” said Mu. “Because we don’t add any alcohol, it’s also a really delicious soda.”

The 12-ounce ginger beer bottles include extra spicy, mango, lemon lime, sugar-free extra spicy, Classic and sugar free. The extra spicy also comes in a 12-ounce can. The 7-ounce bottles include extra spicy,  mango, lemon lime and Earl Grey. The retail price for the ginger beers is $1.75 to $2.00, Hu said.

“We’re still in the process of developing new distribution relationships,” Hu said. The ginger beer is currently distributed by a variety of distributors, including foodservice distributors, beverage distributors and specialty food distributors, she said.

“All these soda drinkers, they’re looking for alternatives that have better ingredients in them,” she said. “This definitely fits the bill. There are so many people now looking for high quality, all-natural sodas to drink regularly.”

Company CEO Terry Tang started the business in 2011 after operating a restaurant and building a dumpling business, TMI Trading. He launched Bruce Cost Ginger Ale, a ginger ale manufacturer, before creating Brooklyn Crafted.

For more information visit

By Karen Scott, Publisher

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Published On: August 22, 2019Categories: UncategorizedTags: ,

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