Megex USA Colosseo Vending MachineMagexUSA, an Alps Innovations Group company, announced the introduction of the “Colosseo,” a patented automated retailing system that has features never before seen in vending. The Colosseo has a unique double internal stocking system that allows up to 12 floors of varying heights. A robotic system transports products from shelves to the dispensing area. Photo sensors are able to recognize products and verify dispensing. For high-value items, special microchips can be added, ensuring security and validation. The Colosseo also has a self-diagnosis system that checks the operating status of the lane before product disbursement.

The system features an optional, integrated web chat to provide customer assistance in real-time. This provides a personal service touch that is unmatched in traditional automated retailing and vending systems, and makes the system ideal for a variety of products.

The system comes with standard features that are expensive options on other automated retailing units, such as a camera kit, speakers, infra-red anti-vandal touchscreen, integrated dual-core high-speed industrial computer, shatter-proof glass, temperature control with recording, and continuous self-diagnostics.

“To borrow a baseball metaphor, we have hit it out of the park with the new Colosseo,” said, Michael F. Rigato, CEO of Alps Innovations. “This system is precision engineered with technologies and features that make it the new king of the vending and automated retailing industry,” he said. “Its advantages are colossal.”

For more information visit:, or Call 905-264-2014.

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Published On: October 13, 2016Categories: Vending Technology & Security News

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