Shelfy Store

Selfly Store, a technology leader for the vending industry recently announced that they’ve been awarded the European Technology Award for RFID technology.  

This recognition is prestigious because it shines a light on Selfly Store as a leader in RFID technology while also setting a standard that other technology companies will follow as they work to offer their users seamless shopping experiences. 

Presented on December 1st, 2023, at European Technology Awards Gala in Paris, France, the event was watched via multiple channels online including a YouTube broadcast, which gave even more exposure to attendees. 

Selfly Store Continues To Lead The Way Online 

Besides the European Technology award, Selfly Store also recently demonstrated their cutting-edge technology at Slush, an annual event held in Helsinki which attracted the top restaurants and food service companies in the world.  

During the event, 13,000 attendees were able to experience first-hand the ease and convenience of Selfly Store, since the company collaborated with NoHo Messukeskus Restaurant, and was able to provide 20 fridges and freezers throughout the event space which contained delicious refreshments. 

Selfly Store’s offer the easiest way for merchants to offer more than just snacks or soda, the coolers. For consumers to use a Selfly Store, all they must do is use their credit or debit card to open the cooler, collect the food or drinks that they want and when the cabinet door is closed, their card will be charged. 

Selfly Store, The Wave Of The Future? 

Even though vending machines have traditionally be favored by merchants, Selfly Store is the future because they are easy for merchants to set up, manage, replenish and they are even easier for consumers to use. 

What’s ideal about Shelfly Store is the data and analytics that business owners can use to track their coolers and ensure that they always keep them stocked with the products that their customers will enjoy.  As Selfly Store reflects on its recent successes, it remains focused on providing merchants and consumers with intelligent, data-driven vending solutions

To learn more about Selfly Store, visit their website at

Published On: December 28, 2023Categories: Vending Trade ShowsTags:

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