Honest Tea Yerba Mate

Honest Tea introduces their newest tea drink, Yerba Mate. Honest Tea Yerba Mate has three flavors to choose from including peach mango, lemon ginger, and strawberry pomegranate. Honest Tea’s Yerba Mate offers the flavors that tea drinkers have been looking for, but what’s best of all is that these teas also are made from USDA Fair Trade certified yerba mate leaves, and are blended with organic fruit juices. 

With caffeine content that’s similar to a cup of coffee, these teas will certainly meet consumers caffeine requirements but since they contain 13 grams of sugar (from natural ingredients), and no artificial sweeteners, these teas can be enjoyed by anyone who may be concerned by the calories or ingredients they are consuming.  

Tastes Great And Is Better For You 

Honest Tea beverages was founded by Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff. After years of developing healthy, organic juices and other beverages, they accomplished the goal of creating a tea that’s ‘better for you’ than most other tea brands on the market today. Their teas are made with USDA certified organic ingredients. The organic ingredients used in their teas are grown without chemicals, fertilizers, or irradiation. 

To learn more about Honest Tea Yerba Mate, visit their website at https://www.honesttea.com/products/honest-yerba-matea.com.

Published On: June 8, 2021Categories: UncategorizedTags: ,

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