Alcohol Vending Machine

YES…Alcohol vending machines in Australia are now legal. With custom design, software, hardware created and government approved for Hotel’s to offer alcohol drinks 24/7. This subject to licensing laws under the Liquor act.

The VENDBAR – Alcohol vending machine that a Hotel owner can buy / hire / lease has been created for Australia’s top hotels. A totally cashless payment acceptance with full remote monitoring, QR code app capable including advertising screen for better ROI. Having RSA Australia Compliance to allow hotel quests to be able to purchase alcohol drinks from the vending machine for convenience and comfort…24/7.

The VendBar vending machinic is owned by a hotel. The reception staff of the hotel would have had to do a RSA – Responsible Service of Alcohol – Online Course. Responsible Service of Alcohol training (also known as NSW RSA course) is designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to a safe, enjoyable environment in licensed premises where alcohol is served and sold.

RSA training covers alcohol-related topics, such as facts about liquor industry and alcohol, intoxication, harm minimisation strategies, benefits of responsible service of alcohol, strategies for responsible service of alcohol, refusal of service and underage drinking, packaged liquor and functions related to the responsible service of alcohol.

Hotel staff at reception will ask new coming quests if they would like to have USE of the Hotels VendBar. A guest will recieve a special Hotel branded card to use in conjunction with their Credit or Debit card as this is also a Cahless Payments only machine. To monitor stock and sales when purchasing a alcoholic drink from the machine. Each guest will be allowed to buy 4 X (four) alcoholic drinks from the VendBar machine.

After 4 drinks have been purchased by that guest the Vendbar will no longer accept that card. So if the guest wishes to purchase more drinks from the VendBar they simply go back to hotel reception and request another card. The Hotel reception staff member will verify the guest is NOT over intoxicated under RSA laws and present the guest with another Hotel VendBar access card to use. This again allows the hotel guest to purchase another 4 X(four) alcohol drinks from the VendBar alcohol vending machine.

The VendBar alcohol vending machine will further enhance a guest’s stay in a top hotel being given many choices in productsto buy from the VendBar. So if you are searching or wondering: Are Alcohol Vending Machines Legal in Australia? Your answer is YES. Australia’s first LEGAL alcohol vending machines are being deployed to the top hotels in Australia.

Finally after 15+ years many people have tried to create and have a legally compliance alcohol vending machine. Hotel’s in Australia NOW can legally own and operate a alcohol vending machine.

The VENDBAR , an alcohol vending machine. For more information email, or visit, call +0412-025-552.

Published On: August 6, 2021Categories: UncategorizedTags:

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