Image Source: Arca Continental
Arca Continental, one of the world’s largest Coca-Cola bottlers and parent company of Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages, has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World), recognizing it among the top 300 publicly traded companies for sustainability.
To earn this distinction, Arca Continental underwent a rigorous assessment of 600 indicators across corporate governance, ethics, risk management, and environmental and social practices.
“Being part of the DJSI World reinforces our commitment to profitable and sustainable growth, aligned with our vision of generating and sharing value,” said Arturo Gutiérrez, CEO of Arca Continental, in a recent press release. “This recognition is the result of our associates’ commitment to the communities we serve.”
Sustainability Strategies Used to Reach This Achievement
- Environmental leadership: Arca Continental implements a climate strategy aimed at reducing its carbon footprint, promoting a circular economy in its packaging, and strengthening water security. Through PetStar, it currently recovers 74% of the bottles it puts on the Mexican market, strengthening its position as the leading PET recycler in Mexico and a top bottler in the United States, producing bottles with an average of 50% recycled resin.
- Local partnerships: 97% of its suppliers are local, helping them achieve high standards of quality and efficiency, operating under ethical, social, and environmental principles. Additionally, it supports nearly one million small businesses with development and digitalization programs.
- Community impact: Arca Continental focuses on understanding consumer preferences, managing talent, and generating a positive impact on communities. It currently implements close to 200 initiatives across five countries, designed to create a lasting impact. For example, in Mexico, it has equipped 100 schools with water harvesting systems, benefiting more than 40,000 people.
This recognition reinforces Arca Continental’s commitment to sustainability and responsible, innovative practices throughout its value chain.
About Arca Continental
Arca Continental is a company engaged in the production, distribution, and sale of beverages under the brands owned by The Coca-Cola Company, as well as salty snacks under the brands Bokados in Mexico, Inalecsa in Ecuador, and Wise in the United States. With an outstanding track record of more than 98 years, Arca Continental is the second largest Coca-Cola bottler in the Americas and one of the most important in the world. Through its Coca-Cola franchise, the company serves a population of more than 128 million in the northern and western regions of Mexico, as well as in Ecuador, Peru, the northern region of Argentina and the southwestern United States. To learn more, visit arcacontal.com.