ACE Announces Keynote Speaker Patrick Henry
Full Exhibit Hall Ready for ACE 2021 at Embassy Suites, Kingston Plantation, Myrtle Beach, October 14 -16, 2021.
“Rock of ACEs” is coming to life in one month with a full Exhibit Hall and an excitement level that has been building for two years. Operators need to get ready – show registration for attendees is underway that promises high level education and entertainment alike. To start, the ACE Golf Tournament is set for Thursday where you have a chance at a $50,000 Hole-in-One!
Friday education, exhibit time followed by a Roll ‘n’ Roll All Night Release Party featuring the live music of “The Breakfast Club” – an 80s tribute band. Saturday morning begins with our Encore Rock Star Awards Breakfast, more exhibit time and ends with a Corn-Chella Tournament with the music of our friend and country music star, Andy Velo. This fun and light-hearted “Rock of ACEs” theme is perfect for attendees to learn and network – sign up today for ACE 2021 in Myrtle Beach.
The ACE Show Planning Committee is excited about this years’ keynote speaker…
PATRICK HENRY, Author, Songwriter, Performer presenting – “Rediscover the Human Connection” Patrick Says, “Do your customers smile when they see you coming? Do they say amazing things about you when you leave? You don’t need more customers, you need more friends! Songwriter and business humorist Patrick Henry believes, “if you can’t create an emotional connection with your customers, you’re going to lose them.”
For ten years Patrick was a songwriter in Nashville, Tennessee and a regular performer on the SiriusXM Radio Comedy Channels. During his hilarious and thought-provoking keynote presentation you will laugh, be moved, and discover the answer to a question that will elevate your business… “can making friends become a habit?”. Appearing at Saturday morning’s Encore Rock Star Awards Breakfast!
Additional information is available from the ACE office:
Visit, email, or call 919-387-1221.