Cantaloupe Inc. Partners With Vendors Exchange

Cantaloupe, Vendors Exchange

With gas prices on the rise nationwide, operators are more aware than ever before of the impact of rising fuel costs on their bottom lines. 

Thankfully, Malvern PA-based Cantaloupe, Inc. is doing something about that by partnering with Vendors Exchange, to integrate their Universal Control Board into Cantaloupe’s Remote Price Change solution. 

This partnership will make it possible for operators to easily identify which machines need price changes and then those changes can be made remotely.  

For the operator, this means no more driving out to the machine to make those change and potentially saving thousands of dollars per year in fuel and labor costs. 

More Business Flexibility  

Let’s face it, operators had to always be flexible, and quickly make price changes before fuel prices started increasing and the highest inflation that we’ve seen in 40 years. 

Even though these times may be challenging, solutions like Cantaloupe’s partnership with Vendors Exchange means that life will get a little easier for Cantaloupe customers because they will be able to do a variety of things remotely including: 

  • React quickly to customer demands 
  • Merchandise dynamically based on trends 
  • Adapt to suppliers increases  
  • Easily see which of their machines have mismatched prices  
  • Quickly diagnose machines that may need firmware upgrades  
  • Make changes or updates easily from any tablet or mobile device 

Saves Money Immediately  

Unlike some upgrades that an operator may make to their business, the reality is that Cantaloupe’s partnership with Vendors Exchange is going to save operators money immediately since they won’t be spending $100 per visit to service their machines.  

Matt shene
Matt Shene, CEO of Vendors Exchange

Once their Vendors Exchange Control Board is integrated with Cantaloupes seed software, operators will be able to manage their machines remotely and save the time and hassle of having to make multiple trips out to a machine each year. 

“Through our partnership with Cantaloupe, our combined customers can leverage a seamlessly integrated solution for enabling price changes with our Universal Control Board (UCB™) designed to bring all of the features available today to your legacy machines at a fraction of the cost.” – Matt Shene, Chief Executive Officer of Vendors Exchange

To learn more about the Cantaloupe and Vendors Exchange partnership contact Cantaloupe at (800) 770-8539, or visit